The Animal is a 2001 American comedy film directed by Luke Greenfield, written by Rob Schneider and Tom Brady, and starring Schneider in the lead role, Colleen Haskell, John C. McGinley, Guy Torry, and Edward Asner. The film depicts a police station evidence clerk who is critically injured and is put back together by a mad scientist who transplants animal parts, resulting in strange changes to his behavior.
The Animal 2001 Movie Free 43
The Animal debuted on June 1, 2001, grossing $19.6 million U.S. in its opening weekend (#3 behind Shrek and Pearl Harbor). With a production budget of $47 million, the movie grossed $84,772,742 internationally.[1]
Below are the Barbie (film series) movies in order of their release date, starting in 2001 with Barbie in the Nutcracker and ending with the highly anticipated Barbie: Princess Adventure, released on Netflix on September 1, 2020. 2ff7e9595c